1. DATCP Complaint & Fact Checked Responses
2. Sept 20 coerced & bogus appointment Arendt arranged & participated in
3. Emails & letters to/from Fives4. Cash Job Plumber: Kurt Wilkinson
5. Building Inspector (Town of Saratoga, Lorelei Fuehrer)6. Lease & Proof of Lease Wisc Statute 704.03(5)7. Legal documents filed by Arendt, Five Skies, & Myself8. Errors of Court - Filed & In Public Record9. Publication in Newspaper10. Photos: WaterSewageStairsDoor & Windows11. Videos and Joey's voicemail (all posted via youtube.com)

DATCP response from Megan Howard_____________
Arendt provides NO documentation, of course, and lie after lie after lie despite written evidence. How is it even possible to get everything wrong? Alternatively, he just chooses to ignore a few issues to which he apparently can't figure out how to fabricate responses. See the twelve (12) pages on this site debunking each of Arendt's statements. He claims knowledge of all events & details of situations prior to my move-in 4/27 thru 9/20. All are complete fictions to support Five Skies fraudulent rental of the unit and failure to perform the duties of landlord described in 704.07(2).
Recommendation: small claims court; thank you for contacting the Bureau of Consumer Protection Have a nice day!"
Nick's reply to my 6/30 email_______________
Excerpt from Nick's email response_________
Excerpt from Nick's email response_________
repairs not done, orange water, door, windows; all of my texts to/from off-the-books plumber
door (photo from 05/10 email ), sticking/jamming, deteriorating: swollen wrist from trying to open door, slamming shoulder into it
windows don't open/close, off-track won't close; 90° in unit with no a/c
annotated; invests more time/energy into calculating late fees and zero time in actually doing any repairs
"first (he) had heard windows don't open" - see 5/10 pdf w/9 pages of photos, It's July. Did he "forget"? Is he lying (again)?
underground lines - "may have to terminate (my) lease" "would not continue to rent the unit until that issue is remedied" - 63 days after I moved in
Request for date of completion of repairs____

Full rent paid for August __________________
submitted in writing as recommended by Tenant Association in Madison, WI NO response
check & receipt: 0 balance due; 0 late fees.
2 repairs completed: Outside screening fabric placed over 5 windows, pin replaced in door hinge (see necessary structural repairs provided on 5/10 to which Nick concurred that all needed to be addressed)
USPS tracking receipt
Supporting Documents follow below re rent paid in full thru 10/14:
8. Errors Filed & In Public Record
After my call to Wood County Health on 10/04
from my office window looking toward front door, stairs, and tree
Stairs - unless spiral - are required to be minimum of 36" wide
Saratoga building Inspector is apparently unaware of this code.
Again: 3/8" max disparity in riser height is permissible. 2 1/2" disparity resulted in my injuries.