The entire first half of this paragraph is totally false.
Arendt wrote: ".....regularly refused access....." = A blatant lie
Never requested that an appointment be scheduled for a different date or time. Never happened, Arendt.
Never did anyone from anywhere request an appointment for an "inspection." Never happened, Arendt.
Never were they 5 minutes late & refused access. Never happened, Arendt.
4 appointments (total) were ACCEPTED AFTER REQUEST FROM FIVE SKIES
3) July 16: They were a few minutes late. Nick had written on 7/03, "Our primary concern is the water quality at your unit
and that will take priority for us, if that can't be corrected the other issues are moot." Violates §704.07 and
As a result of Nick's written statement, I assumed that Joey & Delbert were there to deal with the water.
However, they both stood in the bathroom doorway looking at the water (here). They said nothing, turned & walked away.
Neither had brought the 5/10 or 6/30 pdfs or the list of 5/20. As they also had not brought tools with them, I
loaned Delbert a screwdriver. Joey fetched a drill & used it to open the west living room window; after that
"fix" the window could not be closed. Joey replaced a pin in a door hinge & asked his Uncle Delbert to check
his work.
I thought okay - who am I dealing with here? A 20 yr old boy & his uncle, the vehicle mechanic:
Arendt wrote:
"...felt were in need of repair."
Ah, women are so emotional, right Arendt? My feelings had nothing to do with any of the necessary repairs as I described & provided page
after page of photos to document the situations re door, windows, and water in my
email of 5/10:
Windows: 5/10 excerpt: "The window situation with bent frames, holes in screens, missing screens, dead bugs, dirty, and non-functional
Door: 5/10 excerpt:
"The back door lock jams/sticks and the metal frame on the bottom of the door fell off after it caught the edge of
be replaced. The door continued to deteriorate over time. Broken door
tears linoleum which is destroying flooring Water: 5/10 excerpt:
"I’m also quite concerned re the water as it continues to be orange rather than the usual clear as seen in the
picture of the toilet bowl. It is particularly disconcerting that the orange water morphs into particles that land
on the bottom of the glass. An explanation and rectification of this situation is necessary."
Arendt wrote:
"....continuing refusal..."
after the 9/20
appointment according to Arendt.
It is literally impossible to refuse an appointment that is not requested. I heard nothing from any Five Skies representative after the email on
9/20 except for the bizarre email from Joey at 4:20pm on 10/04
and gmail time stamped at 11:40am on 9/20 indicating that he would reschedule; he didn't. There was no email, text, call or in-person request to reschedule after 9/20 or after 10/04 or ever.
Arendt wrote: ".....arbitrary deadlines...."
Deadlines? Plural, Arendt? Show me one other than the deadline provided in my letter of 9/03. Can't find one? That's because there isn't one. That letter provided a deadline to complete the structural repairs that they were notified of eleven times: 5/10, 5/19, 5/20, 5/31, 6/17, 6/30, 8/5,
& 9/03 & also saw in person mid-June & 7/16, and 9/11.
Arbitrary = 4½ months after I moved in? Well, it may be "arbitrary" but seems abundantly patient and beyond reasonable to me & everyone
else who knows about this situation.
§704.07(4) also disagrees with Arendt- the self proclaimed expert in residential real estate: "....unless the landlord proceeds promptly to repair
or rebuild or eliminate the health hazard or the substantial violation of sub. (2) materially affecting the health or safety of the tenant.
Note: "promptly"
Promptly is not 4½ months after notification. Arendt sure is willing & able to assist the Kedrowskis in their fraudulent rental of the unit
and failure to perform essential repairs in accordance with Wisconsin's laws.
requested a specific appointment or requested a change of appointment.
The 7/16 appointment conflicted with my appointment to see a unit in a nearby town, but I kept the appointment on the date & time
they had requested.
I was still texting plumber re finishing job & orange water on 6/17.
Nick wrote that plumber would not be returning to the property on 7/01. The job isn't finished & the plumber isn't coming back to do so.
Suck it up, tenant! That's how it works in Wisconsin! Wait, what?? is that how it's supposed
to work in Wisconsin?