
             The most important and/or the most frequently cited are posted on this page:

Building Inspector (Town of Saratoga, Lorelei Fuehrer)
Letter & Photos to Lorelei
Emails to/from Lorelei
Nick's lies in response to DATCP complaint
Arendt's lies in response to DATCP complaint
Jack Wotruba, HUD/UDC, Safety & Professional Services
One week later she just can't remember the injured old lady she chatted with for 30 minutes after she meets with Nick (Saratoga population 5,383)

to & from: stairs are NOT to code; he provided codes for reasonable & adequate supply of water
Patrick Arendt, Atty
Arendt's dishonest reply to DATCP complaint
Email from Arendt forwarded from Joey
Notice to vacate or pay full rent for:

Court filing for eviction w/info he knows to be false

Process for service of eviction posted in Small Claims Intake
Process for service of eviction - Circuit Court instructions

"Certificate of Non-Service" filed: which one did Arendt file? Named correctly?  Close enough for sloppy Wood County Court standards?
If SC-5100 filed: who lied on form re posting & mailing?
Arendt email to me (email is not part of process)

Supporting Documents re rent paid in full thru 10/14:
     Accepted Five Skies offer to pay rent in sync w/ soc sec
     August Full Rent Receipt
     Sept rent abated & adjusted for August
Arendt claims knowledge of all events & details of situations prior to my move-in 4/27 thru 9/20. All are complete fictions supporting Five Skies fraud.
Threats to start eviction, turn off water, enter w/o notice; 'arbitrary' time frame; participates in sham appointment to install "a filter" that will "hopefully help"
No repairs since initial notification 05/10.  He writes "appears that you are unhappy with the manner in which my client manages its trailer park." (original notice & letter available)
Claims Sept/Oct rent due: Abated rent per WI Statute paid for Sept, rent not due for October until 10/15 - filed 10/14.

Posted on cabinet "at least 5 years" per Amanda. If can't be served, leave on door, mail, post affidavit of mailing, DO NOT PUBLISH IN NEWSPAPER 
Arendt published in newspaper, did not leave on door, did not mail, did not email, no afffidavidt of mailing listed on court's website
See pages 1, 3, & 4:  Arendt doesn't bother with this simple procedure: post, mail.  He did not want me to see what he claimed.

Not filed per Circuit Court website Not posted & I did not receive a copy by US mail
Two results in search for non-service & none for nonservice
     Results: 1 = Affidavit of Attempted Service on Non-Petitioning Parent & 2 = re Marriage or Paternity of Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A

IF I HAD RECEIVED A COPY by snail mail, posting, or email: I would have handled the Answer & CounterClaim differently given the false info on the S & C.
NO ATTACHMENT OF Summons & Complaint

Rent due 15th of month
Orange/brown rust water, windows don't open/close, broken door insects crawl in when it's not raining in
No contact from Five Skies at all 7/16-9/10;; nothing re assessment or correction of water; no repairs of anything but replacement of stairs built not to code without permit & resulted in fall & injuries on 9/16.
Emails & letters to/from Five Skies
Email to Nick via craigslist
Email from Nick
Email/pdf from me to Nick
Email response from Nick
Email/pdf from me to Nick
Email response from Nick
Email reply from me
Email response from Nick
Email from Joey
Submitted written request
Email from Joey
Emails to/from Joey re fake appointment
washer/dryer or hookups?
okay with him to plant a garden
move in condition with photos
he was "not aware of problems," new lines should remedy "water," forwarding to Delbert, "as soon as possible"
repairs not done, orange water
underground lines - "may have to terminate (my) lease" 65 days after I moved from Minneapols to Wisconsin Rapids
availability, re-sent 5/20 pdf list of repairs, haven't heard from cash-job since 6/17 
if water can't be corrected, other repairs are "moot" - violates Wisconsin Statute 704.07 (1)
rent due 15th
for completion date of all repairs as recommended by Tenant Association in Madison, WI
one week to complete repairs (informed since 5/10); advised I would contact appropriate agencies if not completed
requested app't 9/13 - ONLY APP'T DECLINED of the TWO requested: <24 hr notice, 9/12 deadline completion: not attach A filter to "see if that helps" 
704.07(4) Abated rent submitted adjusting for full August rent demanded on untenantable unit despite many documented requests to repair 
They are on site talking w/Arendt (old lady should wait for the men to be done). 10/4, I learn plumber is NOT on site. No show, no request to reschedule. 

Email excerpts
Bogus appointment: no show, no request to reschedule
All info and documentation is provided on page Water Quality & 9/20 Sham Repair App't , Arendt 3(2 of 2) & Arendt 3b to install a "temporary" fix to water that would "hopefully, hopefully help" (not correct) 4 months & 25 days after I moved in.
Cash Job Plumber: Kurt Wilkinson
Texts from no-show, no-permit, cash job plumber
Still texting him re not finished job on 6/17; job was to be finished mid-May.  Also see info re his arrests in June for felony stalking (6/05/16) & burglary, theft misappropriation of ID to obtain money (7/03/16)
Bogus appointment 
All info and documentation is provided on page Water Quality & 9/20 Sham Repair App't , Arendt 3(2 of 2) & Arendt 3b to install a "temporary" fix to water that would "hopefully, hopefully help" (not correct) 4 months & 25 days after I moved in.
Lease & Proof of Lease Wisc Statute 704.03(5)
Email from Nick
Email from Patrick Arendt, Atty
Notice to Vacate from Patrick Arendt, Atty
with my signature; never received signature on lease from Five Skies
referencing & attaching "lease"
references lease, threats to turn off water, enter without notice, start eviction
references lease; allegedly re unpaid rent that was paid in accordance with 704.07(4).  This wasn't about rent. This was about my visit to Building Inspector to report not to code/no permit stair & lack of repairs.  He wrote, "It appears that you are unhappy with the manner in which my client manages its trailer park." 
DATCP Complaint w/95 pages documentation
Nick's baloney reply w/NO documentation
Arendt's wholly dishonest reply w/NO documentation
DATCP response from Megan Howard:
Expedited per Gov Walker with Michelle Reinen, Director Consumer Protection Bureau; 3 pg complaint provided - original 11 emails w/documentation are available.
Nick addresses only the topic of stairs with several lies.
Arendt provides NO documentation, of course.
Recommendation:  small claims court and Thank you for contacting the Bureau of Consumer Protection  Have a nice day!"
My Counter Claim 10/29/16 & Claim 12/29/16
CounterClaim & Answer 

Would have been written differently but Arendt's ploy to keep details of false info on his Summmons & Complaint from me was successful: S & C was not posted on property, was not mailed, no affidavit of mailing in public record, published in newspaper contrary to notice at Small Claims Intake Desk

Both claims provided only for the actual expenses incurred as result of fraudulent rental  & necessity to constructively evict myself.  Does not (yet) include punitive
Errors Filed & In Public Record
Public Record: Evicted - will move out
I had constructively evicted myself a few weeks earlier due to non-repair/correction of water, windows, door, sewage, etc  as Five Skies flaunted laws with support & legal counsel of Arendt, Just Deceit, "attorney at scofflaw"

Judge B said it doesn't matter that Minutes say one thing & transcript says the opposite (will move; has moved)
     Do you think it will matter to future landlords assuming I live that long?  
Court Minutes conflict with Court Transcript
Minutes: will move out             Transcripthas moved out    Public Website Will move out                                               Judge B said it doesn't matter
 Transcript does NOT reflect what I said/understood
I said what I understood:  their case is dismissed & I don't owe them any money.  Judge Potter was already halfway out of his chair, banged gavel & said dismissed.  Never mentioned my counterclaim.  Court reporter filled in opposing counsel's preferred boilerplate.  

Judge B said no mention of counterclaim might be basis.
Dismissed error as their reporters are ALWAYS accurate.
Wood County Court is NOT neutral in several respects, but see for yourself
Jackie doesn't want pro se's changing her court schedule (hard for her)  because they want to obtain legal counsel, she wants to know if   pro se has a doctor appointment - does she ask attorneys same?  Need 3 weeks? Get 1 week at someone else's request & request of pro se is ignored.  
Clerk unable(?) to print copies of records;
copies not sent to pro se
Clerk claims she is able to print only 1st page of one & unable to print other records requested on 2/8/16 when pro se learns copies are possible/available ($1.25/pg)
copies never received for 11/22 or 6/30 
Stipulation specified was not offered/provided
Couldn't sign an SC-5300VA Stipulation for Dismissal (Eviction) that is not offered/provided                                            Judge B said it doesn't matter
Pro se contacts court re errors; court responds to
         opposing counsel not pro se
Judge Nick B said they would NEVER contact a pro se. Isn't the pro se acting on their own behalf? Yes
Does the opposing attorney act on the pro se's behalf? Absolutely not.
So the court contacts the opposing attorney and                                                                                                                           Judge B calls that  "neutral"
Staff at Small Claims Desk: Incompetent &/or untrained &/or disdain for pro se queries 
Need 2 copies, 3 copies - no - just one; "can't" print records = willy-nilly handling of important documents with serious consequences
Monetary claim for expenses incurred resulting from having to move x2 in 6 months due to negligence of scofflaw landlord supported by Arendt, atty
Broken into 3 parts to accommodate upload size restrictions (lots of pictures)

Dismissed due to reporter's failure to transcribe what I said, Potter's 11/22 rush to leave courtroom w/o discussion of my counterclaim 
Monetary claim for expenses incurred resulting from having to move x2 in 6 months due to negligence of scofflaw landlord aided & abetted by Arendt, atty
Part 2
Monetary claim for expenses incurred resulting from having to move x2 in 6 months due to negligence of scofflaw landlord aided & abetted  by Arendt, atty
Part 3
Publication in newspaper x3
Oct & Nov
Clippings may be provided on request as providing on site is likely to lead to my name & further defamation
Request via Contact page
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